Trauma Counselling

Are you experiencing persistent feelings of sadness, anxiety, or numbness? Do certain situations trigger overwhelming emotions that are difficult to manage? Do your emotions go from 0 to 100 in a matter of seconds? Do you sometimes feel like a part of you is frozen in the past? Have you been experiencing unexplained physical symptoms? Do you find yourself relying on avoidance, substance use, or other less healthy strategies? These symptoms often indicate trauma; we’re here to help you heal.

Our approach to Trauma treatment

Evidence-based therapies

We use therapies such as Internal Family Systems Therapy, EMDR therapy and somatic therapies proven to be effective in trauma treatment.

Certified in Clinical Trauma Treatment

Over the years, we’ve witnessed the detrimental effects when clients work with clinicians lacking specialized training in trauma treatment. Being a Certified Clinical Trauma Professional, my training equips me to provide effective support. I have had the privilege to have trained with some of the best in the field of trauma, such as Bessel van der Kolk, Gabor Mate, Janina Fisher and Frank Anderson.

A holistic approach

Our approach encompasses working with emotions, body and thoughts. we recognize that healing from trauma goes beyond merely changing a client`s thoughts. We will help you process emotions, foster a sense of safety within your body, and address maladaptive thought patterns.

Helping you rewrite your story

Trauma can fundamentally alter how we view our life narrative. We will work on reshaping the old beliefs that you might be carrying as a result of your trauma and help you rewrite your story

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Fostering new coping strategies

Trauma can lead to us developing unhelpful coping strategies. Trauma treatment involves recognizing those coping strategies and learning new ways of dealing with strong emotions and difficult situations

“Traumatized people chronically feel unsafe inside their bodies: The past is alive in the form of gnawing interior discomfort. Their bodies are constantly bombarded by visceral warning signs, and, in an attempt to control these processes, they often become expert at ignoring their gut feelings and in numbing awareness of what is played out inside. They learn to hide from their selves”

Bessel van der Kolk

What is trauma?

When people think of traumatic events, they usually think of events such as war, sexual abuse or serious life-threatening accidents. While these events are certainly examples of traumatic events, there are multitude of other events that also constitute trauma. Chronic neglect by caregivers, growing up in a chaotic environment, witnessing violence, financial instability, parental loss and serious violation of our boundaries are all examples of traumatic events that can lead to “complex trauma”. Trauma is any event that overwhelms a person`s capacity to cope with or “digest” the experience. Trauma undermines a person`s sense of safety in the world.

Signs of trauma?


Acknowledging trauma symptoms is the first step towards healing. Within this acknowledgement lies hope, power and the possibility for change.

Coping Mechanisms:

If you find yourself relying on avoidance, substance use, or other less healthy coping strategies, it could be a sign of underlying trauma. When faced with overwhelming emotions or reminders of past trauma, it’s common for individuals to employ coping mechanisms as a way to manage their distress. Avoidance tactics, such as avoiding certain places, people, or activities that trigger painful memories, may provide temporary relief but can ultimately perpetuate feelings of isolation and disconnection.

Persistent Fear and Anxiety:

Persistent fear, characterized by an ongoing sense of dread or anxiety that seems disproportionate to one’s current circumstances, can be a debilitating symptom of unresolved trauma. Individuals who have experienced trauma may find themselves constantly on edge, anticipating danger even in situations where there is no immediate threat. This hyper-vigilance can disrupt daily functioning, leading to difficulty concentrating, disturbed sleep patterns, and strained relationships.

Flashbacks and Intrusive Memories:

Flashbacks and intrusive memories, vivid and distressing recollections of past events that intrude into one’s thoughts unexpectedly, are common symptoms of trauma. These experiences can be overwhelming, causing individuals to feel as though they are reliving the traumatic event, even though it may have occurred in the past. Addressing flashbacks and intrusive memories as symptoms of trauma involve developing strategies to manage and reduce their frequency and intensity.

Avoidance Behaviors:

Avoidance behaviors, characterized by going to great lengths to avoid situations, places, or people that remind individuals of the traumatic experience, are common responses to unresolved trauma. In an effort to protect themselves from distressing memories or emotions, individuals may engage in avoidance behaviors as a means of coping with their trauma. While avoidance may provide temporary relief, it can ultimately perpetuate feelings of fear, isolation, and disconnection from oneself and others. Avoidance behaviors can manifest in various ways, such as avoiding specific locations associated with the trauma, withdrawing from social interactions, or numbing emotions through substance use. However, avoidance only serves to reinforce the power of the trauma and prevent individuals from fully processing and healing from their experiences.

Self-Worth and Self-Image:

Traumatic experiences can profoundly impact how we perceive ourselves and our value in the world. You might question your worth or feel undeserving of love and respect. These feelings can stem from internalized messages or beliefs formed during the traumatic event, leading to a negative self-image and diminished self-esteem. Addressing self-image and self-worth issues as a result of trauma involves exploring the underlying beliefs and emotions that contribute to these feelings.

Changes in Relationships

Changes in relationships, such as experiencing difficulty trusting others, withdrawing from loved ones, or feeling a sense of isolation, are common manifestations of unresolved trauma. Traumatic experiences can profoundly impact the way individuals relate to others, affecting their ability to form and maintain healthy connections. Trust issues may arise as individuals struggle to feel safe and secure in relationships, leading to guardedness and emotional distance. Additionally, traumatic events can disrupt communication patterns and intimacy, creating barriers to authentic connection and understanding. Changes in relationships may also involve withdrawing from social interactions or seeking solace in isolation as a means of self-protection. Addressing changes in relationships as a result of trauma involves fostering a sense of safety and trust, both within oneself and in relationships with others.

Impact on Daily Functioning:

Traumatic experiences can disrupt various aspects of daily life, impacting one’s ability to function effectively and maintain stability. Individuals may struggle to focus or make decisions, experience lapses in memory or attention, or feel overwhelmed by even simple tasks. These changes in daily functioning can have profound consequences on personal and professional responsibilities, leading to increased stress, frustration, and a sense of inadequacy. Addressing changes in daily functioning as a result of trauma involves developing strategies to manage symptoms and regain a sense of control over one’s life.

Physical Symptoms:

If you are experiencing unexplained physical symptoms, such as headaches, digestive issues, or muscle tension, it could be a sign of unresolved trauma. Traumatic experiences can manifest not only as psychological distress but also as physical symptoms as the body reacts to stress and emotional pain. These physical symptoms may seem unrelated to the traumatic event but can serve as a somatic expression of underlying trauma. For example, chronic headaches or gastrointestinal problems may develop as a result of prolonged stress or hypervigilance. Additionally, muscle tension and other somatic complaints may reflect the body’s attempt to contain and cope with overwhelming emotions.

Sleep Disturbances:

If you’re experiencing sleep disturbances, such as difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep, or experiencing nightmares related to the traumatic event, it could be a sign of unresolved trauma. Traumatic experiences can disrupt the body’s natural sleep-wake cycle and lead to various sleep problems. You may find yourself lying awake at night, unable to quiet your mind or relax enough to drift off to sleep. Alternatively, you may experience frequent awakenings throughout the night or vivid, distressing nightmares that leave you feeling exhausted and on edge. Addressing sleep disturbances as a result of trauma involves understanding the underlying psychological and physiological factors contributing to these difficulties.


With years of experience and specialized training in trauma therapy, I integrate approaches like Internal Family Systems (IFS), Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), and Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy (AEDP) to aid clients in trauma recovery. Through IFS, clients integrate fragmented aspects of themselves, while EMDR processes traumatic memories, and AEDP fosters emotional processing. I tailor these evidence-based techniques to suit each client’s needs.

“The attempt to escape from pain, is what creates more pain.”

Gabor Maté


  1. Schedule a complimentary consultation.
  2. Book your first session to kickstart your therapy process if we resonate with you.
  3. Keep in mind that therapy isn’t a quick fix; consistency is vital for positive outcomes.
  4. Reflect on sessions and apply insights for maximum therapeutic benefits.
  5. Communicate what works and what doesn’t; therapy is a collaborative process.

Different types of trauma

Acute trauma

Acute trauma occurs when a person experiences a sudden and unexpected event that is perceived as life-threatening, such as a car accident, natural disaster, or violent crime.

Complex/chronic trauma

Chronic trauma occurs when a person experiences prolonged or repeated exposure to stressful or traumatic events, such as ongoing abuse or neglect, growing up in an unstable or unsafe environment, chronic illness or disability or living in a war zone.

Developmental trauma

Developmental trauma refers to traumatic experiences that occur during childhood and can have long-lasting effects on a person’s mental, emotional, and physical development. Developmental trauma is often chronic and may involve exposure to multiple forms of abuse, neglect, unstable living environments, or early loss of/separation from caregivers.

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

PTSD is a mental health disorder that can develop after a person experiences or witnesses a traumatic event. Symptoms can include flashbacks, nightmares, avoidance behavior, and hyperarousal.

Secondary or vicarious trauma

Secondary or vicarious trauma occurs when a person experiences trauma as a result of working with or caring for individuals who have experienced trauma, such as healthcare workers, therapists, or first responders.


What is trauma?

Trauma happens when a person`s ability to cope and their sense of safety are overwhelmed by a distressing event. Trauma can result from a single event such as being in a car crash or from a series of events that happen over time.

What is complex trauma?

Complex trauma happens when our nervous system stays in the survival mode for a prolonged period. Imagine a child who grows up with an abusive caregiver. The child`s nervous system has to stay on alert all the time, which leads to complex trauma.

What happens if I don`t address my trauma?

Trauma is stored in our bodies. Not addressing our trauma can lead to serious long-lasting health conditions such as diabetes. Unaddressed trauma can also lead to irritability, addiction, relationship issues, anxiety and depression.

Am I overreacting or am I really traumatized?

It is normal for trauma survivors to believe their reactions are extreme. Minimizing our trauma and invalidating our feelings are ways in which we try deal with painful emotions. It is important to remember that denying our emotional experiences and labelling them as “overreaction” can lead to shame, isolation, and other mental health issues.

Can talking about trauma make me feel worse?

It is normal to feel anxious about sharing your traumatic experiences. You might wonder if talking about a traumatic experience can make your symptoms worse. As a trained trauma specialist, I always ensure we explore and discuss your traumatic experiences in a way that feels safe and healing.

Is therapy effective for healing for trauma?

Therapy has been proven to be very effective in healing from trauma. However, therapy is not a quick fix. Healing from trauma happens gradually, and consistency in attending sessions is crucial. Trauma is multi-faceted, and at Roya Counselling, my goal is to address the different facets of your traumatic experience. My hope is to help you develop strategies to cope with the symptoms of trauma on a day-to-day basis and, ultimately, to lessen the frequency of your symptoms. The road to healing trauma is definitely not short and easy, but my years of experience with clients have shown me that it is possible and very rewarding.

I have been to therapy before, and it did not help. Why should I try again?

Success in therapy depends on many factors, such as the therapist`s training, the therapeutic relationship, and the length of therapy, among others. If previous therapy did not work, it is helpful to choose your therapist more carefully next time and ask essential questions about their training and approach before starting therapy.

Everyone experiences trauma. Why should I seek therapy?

Most people indeed experience a form of trauma in their lives. It is also true that unaddressed trauma can take away from living life fully. Seeking therapy is not the only way, but a proven scientific way, to help you live your life more fully.

I get triggered easily. Is that a sign of trauma?

Since trauma can dysregulate our nervous system, we might notice becoming triggered easily and as my clients often say, we might feel “raw. Although not the only cause, trauma can be one of the reasons we find ourselves getting triggered easily.
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About Roya Counselling

At Roya Counselling, we are committed to providing professional, ethical, and evidence-based counselling services that prioritize your well-being. We understand that seeking therapy can be a difficult and brave decision, and we honor the trust you place in us. We have personally experienced the transformative power of therapy, and we will never take your desire for healing lightly. 


We believe in the inherent resilience of our clients, and our stance towards our clients is non-judgmental, compassionate and curious.
We feel very privileged to hear about our clients’ hopes, goals and pains and witness them slowly recovering their peace, happiness and livelihood.